Can't say whether he's a better designer or musician, but he's impeccable at both. Leads the non-profit Diversity in Design Collective as a way to foster underrepresented voices.
Chris Prentice
Chris Prentice
Incredible writing instructor who played a sizable part in tying up loose ends in my thesis.
Curious individual who can fabricate anything from bridges to an electronic keyboard credenza. Is probably unstoppable at Grasshopper. At least no one's tried to stop her.
Embodies creative coding. If he were born earlier, he might've invented it. But since it already exists, he spends his time contributing to the community efforts whether they're local, in Taiwan, or virtual.
Will make sure you're having a great time because how is that not possible when you're screaming your favorite songs in a cozily packed karaoke lounge?
WIll talk your ear off about theater and performance if you let him. He will also talk your ear off about technology's role in design, but that's how you know he's passionate.